Why Local Brands Love the BBQ Battle | Giant National Capital Barbecue Battle

Why Local Brands Love the BBQ Battle

Featured on: Event Marketer
Written by:by Kenneth Briodagh

Washington D.C. played host to its annual DC BBQ Battle on June 21 and 22 and Pennsylvania Avenue has never smelled so sweet. Several brands took part, including Enterprise CarShare, Chevrolet’s local dealers, the NBA Nation Tour and GEICO insurance. Over the course of the two-day event, more than 80,000 consumers stopped by to gorge themselves on brisket, ribs and chili, and EM is here to bring you a little taste. (Of the activations, not the food. The barbeque is all for us.)

GEICO rolled out a digital pinball experience as the centerpiece of a simple, but effective footprint. After a quick photo activation, consumers rolled a pair of virtual dice for a shot at a free prize. Brand ambassadors walked consumers through the activation and kept the traffic flowing almost as freely as the barbeque sauce. Finally, each guest was invited to get a free rate quote from a trained representative. “As a company based right outside Washington D.C., we always like to find events to support our home communities,” says Vince Giampetro, senior marketing manager at GEICO. “The BBQ Battle is one of the best events around and gives us a great opportunity to talk to current policyholders and those who will be shopping for a new quote in the future.”

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